Madam Web was released on Valentines’ Day, Feb. 14, 2024, that showcased another Marvel Comics superhero alliance. The story focuses on a New York City paramedic who finds out about her mother’s journey in Peru to find a special spider. Inevitably, she gains future-seeing powers that helps her protect three future-superheroes from danger.
This debut was incredibly underwhelming all around. The film quality and cinema-production was disorderly and unorganized; it hurt the eyes. The dialogue and storyline was basic and corny.
Marvel typically revolves around a main storyline that never ceases to falter. In this case, its the same ol’ origin story to conflict to wonderous resolution where the protagonists meet an evil madman. With the same story time and time again, the plot becomes predictable and boring.
For the upsides to the film, the producers had amazing production spots such as the Grand Central Terminal and a vintage diner. Also, the CGI captured the chaos beautifully in all the actions scenes.
Nowadays, there is a relentless pursuit to have more gender and ethnic diversity within Hollywood and screenplays, which this movie was a prime example of their initiative. Marvel intended only to have female protagonists alike The Marvels where the main characters were women promoting female power.
Ultimately, the movie did not fulfill the production’s expectations nor the audience. Some upsides could be attribute to the film, but its not a rewatch at all. In comparison, The Marvels was much better with hilarious dialogue.