“Twisters” is the second movie made in 1996. This movie has none of the original actors and has a whole new story line.
The movie “Twisters” is about a group of scientists that are trying to see if they can get rid of a tornado. When they fail, the scientists go their separate ways. When one scientist, Javi played by Anthony Ramos, comes up with a new discovery to capture a picture of the tornado she asks his friend Kate to help him track them down. Along the way they meet a new group of tornado chasers, they run into some problems. Kate gets back into her research to get rid of tornados with Tyler by her side. While in a town a tornado touches down and Kate uses her research to stop the tornado, Her research works and Kate saves the town from getting destroyed.
Kate is played by Daisy Edger-Jones who is in the popular movie “where the crawdads sing”. Tyler is played by Glen Powell who is in the popular romance movie “anyone before you”. The last main character Javi is played by Anthony Ramos who is in the movie “Hamilton”.
The characters in the movie are funny and make the movie have a lot of drama in it. The characters’ personalities add a lot to the movie and make up most of the story line.
The movie also has a sound track to go with it. Some artists you may find on it are Luke Combs, Jelly Roll, Megan Moroney, and Laniey wilson. Most of the artists on the album are country artists but the music has a very rock twang to it.
I really enjoyed this movie. It was very funny and it hooked me in at the beginning of the movie. I really liked it when the bit from the songs came into the intense scenes. If you like intense but funny movies, I recommend this movie for you. The movie is intense and can be sad at some points in the movie. But most of the time it is funny and exciting.