The holiday season is the perfect time to curl up with a good book and read.
There are many kinds of books that people can read, such as Murder Mystery, Romance, dystopian, and historical fiction just to name a few. Murder Mystery books are books where the characters are trying to find out who did the killing, such as “A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder”, “One Of Us Is Lying”, and “The Silent Patient”. Romance books are books where two characters fall in love, such as “It Ends With Us”, “The Shatter Me” series, and “The heartstopper” novels. Dystopian books are books set in a futuristic town where the government is soon overtaken by the town, Such as “The Hunger Games”, “Divergent” series, and “The Giver”. Historical fiction books are made up characters and stories set in a real historic event such as “Words of Fire”, “The Boy In The Striped Pajamas”, and “The War That Saved My Life”. Books can also help people learn new things;nonfiction books are full of facts on a topic.
Some popular books in our library are “The Court Of Thorn And Roses”, “The Heartstopper graphic novels”, “Shadow and Bone series”, “One Of Us is Lying”, and Colleen Hoover books.
Authors are always coming out with new books to share with the world. Some new books coming out are “The Last Magician”, “The Summer of Bitter and Sweet”, “The Silence That Blinds Us”, and “The Legacy of Orïsha”. “The Last Magician” is written by Lisa Maxwell. It is a historical fantasy thriller set in New York during the 1920s. “The Summer of Bitter and Sweet” Is written by Jen DeLuca. It is a romance book during the summer with some Italian culture. “The Silence That Blinds Us” is about Kinberly McCreight. It is a suspenseful thriller about a group of friends who must confront a dark secret from their past. “The Legacy of Orisha” is the last book to the fantasy novels “Children of Anguish and Anarchy”.
Sophomore Celeste Jenkins enjoys reading Murder mysteries.
“I am reading “Tell Me What Really Happened” by Chelsea Sedoti. It is about a bunch of kids who go camping but one of their friends goes missing and the police interview them to see what happened,” Jenkins said “I would recommend it to others. I would rate it a 4 out of 5 stars.”
Some other people like thriller books and the scary theme to them. They also like to read mystery books and figure out who did it.
For freshman Liliana Young, she enjoys reading thriller, romance, and mystery.
“These Silent Woods” by Kimmy Cunninngham. It is about a father and daughter that are living in the woods, and a guy is supposed to bring them food, but he doesn’t and they’re going to die,” Young said “I would recommend it and I would rate it 4 out of 5 stars.”
Not just students enjoy reading. Teachers also can enjoy a good book. For English teacher Kitty Sheets, she enjoys reading multiple books.
“This House Is on Fire” by Rachel Beanlens. It is about a fire that happened in the 1800s and a theater in Richmond. My other book is “1122” by Steven King. It is about time travel and John F. Kennedy’s assassination,” Sheets said “I would recommend it to others. I would rate both of the books 4 stars out of 5.”
Some other teachers read so often that they always have a book with them. For Spanish teacher Jamie Youngblood, she has a new book every three days.
“I am reading “Beautiful,Ugly” by Alice Feeney. It is about a man’s wife who disappears and he goes to a remote island to write a book and thinks he sees his wife,” Youngblood said “ I would recommend it to others”
Some people enjoy books with good meaning. For English teacher Maryann Wolfe she loves to read those books all the time.
“I am reading The House in the cierraland Sea by Tj Klein.” said wolfe said “ I would recommend them and I would rate it a 5 out of 5 stars.”
Some people really enjoy romance novels. For freshmen Maddie Daves, she enjoys romance books with a twist.
“ I am reading Honeys by Ryan La Sala.” said Davis “ I would recommend it and I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars.”
Some people like to read science books. For sophomore Kellen Foster he is reading two books at one time, a science book and a romance type book.
“I am reading The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. and Rules for Rule Breaking by Talia Tucker.” said Foster “ I would recommend both of the books and I would rate the Rules for Rule Breaking and 3 out of 5 stars and the other one a 4.”
If you need a good book to read, ask your friend if they are always reading a good book. Every once in a while, I open a good book and explore the magical word of reading.