My name is Presley Brzostek, and this is my first installment of my culture corner. In these installments, I will recommend 4 things from my life that I enjoy that I think would benefit yours.
One thing to watch is the movie “Lady Bird” directed by Greta Gerwig. This is a coming of age movie about a girl who grew up in Sacramento, who is eager to leave and live a life separate from her family. It was released on September 1, 2017, and was nominated for best motion picture, and best lead actress. Greta Gerwig has also directed the films Barbie, and Little women.
This movie is inspirational and a great watch if you’re looking for something heartfelt with a cast of many well known names such as Timothee Chalamet, Soairose Ronan, Laura Marano, etc. This is definitely one of my favorites, and didn’t leave my mind for days.
One thing to read is the book “The Art of Self Love” by Sabina Windale. This book addresses mental health and navigates you through the various struggles of

life. It helps you to find courage within yourself as well as building self esteem.
This is a great read, and as someone who usually reads fiction/non fiction novels, it’s an interesting change of pace and will ultimately motivate you to fall in love, and be at peace with the person you are.
One thing to wear would be low-rise pants. I’ve found that in comparison to high-waisted jeans, sweatpants, etc., low-waisted items are far more comfortable. In addition to being comfortable, I think they’re also more flattering. Now that I’ve made the switch, I won’t be going back.
One thing to listen to would be the podcast, “Anything Goes” by Emma Chamberlain. This is my go-to podcast and it’s perfect to listen to while cleaning, studying, or even driving. Emma has over 343 episodes to choose from that range from talking about fashion to failure.
All of these things I have grown to love, and hopefully you will too. Try them all!