Q: How many members does the Prowler have?
A: The Prowler currently has 48 members, but this number changes each year as people join and graduate.
Q: Where is the Prowler located?
A: The Prowler is located in room T8.
Q: Who is the Prowler Sponsor?
A: English teacher Mary Holton is the Prowler Adviser.
Q: Does the Prowler participate in any school events?
A: Yes, the Prowler always has an act in the Lip Sync, and we also put on the Talent Show each year.
Q: How old is the Prowler?
A: 2025 will be the tenth year of the online news site of the Prowler.
Q: Do you have to be in a certain grade to join?
A: Yes, you must be in your sophomore year or a higher year to join.
Q: What is the application process like?
A: The application process is quite simple. To join, you must fill out a packet consisting of a few written questions, as well as a few sheets to be filled out by teachers. Feel free to stop by the Prowler room or contact Mrs. Holton at [email protected] to inquire about joining.
Q: Who do I contact if I am not totally satisfied with how I was presented in an article or if I think there is a mistake in an article?
A: Please contact Mrs. Holton at [email protected]. We always strive to produce the best articles, but we are aware that mistakes are possible. We are more than happy to make changes to articles, even after they have been published.