CTE Program Plans to Expand With New Courses

Building trades students work on a project outside
May 26, 2017
As students begin to enroll in classes for the upcoming school year, they will have a variety of new Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to choose from. There are a total of nine new classes that will be introduced to students; Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality-tourism-recreation, Biological Applications in Agriculture, Crop production & Horticulture, Leadership, Cooperative Education, Intro to Construction, and Intro to Auto. With so many new classes, it may be difficult to understand how all of the classes fit into the budget.
“All of these programs have been developed to fit into our existing budget requirements. No new faculty will be added. Any additional costs are being covered by grants or
existing funding.” said Steven Wilder the head of the CTE department.
In order for the classes to be taught without adding new teachers, current CTE teachers have taken on the task of teaching the new courses. Cybersecurity will be taught by Mike Lenoir, and Entrepreneurship will be taught by Cindy Lunsford. The Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation class will be taught by Robin Sherman. Biological applications in agriculture, and Crop Production and Horticulture will all be taught by Rebecca Tilson. Donna Wallace will take on the responsibility of teaching Cooperative Education. Both Kurt Bennett and Robbie Martin will be instructors for the Intro to Construction course. Lastly, Sean Duncan and Jeff Boyd will teach Intro to Auto.
The only semester long classes will be Leadership, Intro to Construction, and Intro to auto will the rest will be offered as year long courses. For full descriptions of the new courses, please visit our school website and view the program of studies.