Hand’s Final Goodbyes
Hand’s last graduating class as active principal of RCHS, The Class of 2017.
This past year, RCHS said goodbye to Principal Haywood Hand. Hand was the principal of RCHS for three years, taking over for Scott Jefferies, Lexington City Schools’ current superintendent. Prior to becoming principal at RCHS, Hand was the principal at Amherst County High School for four years. Before that, Hand was the principal at Parry McCluer High School for five years.
“Each assignment has offered me many wonderful memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life,” said Hand.
As he leaves his position as principal to become the assistant superintendent for Rockbridge County Public Schools, Hand said he will miss several elements of RCHS:
“I will miss the daily personal connections I had with the faculty and students of RCHS. I tried to lead by example and be a source of inspiration to all. As corny as this may sound, but I do miss sharing the thought-of-the-day each morning. The brief contacts and conversations with students between classes, during lunches, and after-school were some of my most memorable times as a principal,”
Hand shared some other thoughts regarding graduation.
“I will definitely miss shaking hands with every senior at graduation, especially the Class of 2018. I welcomed them when they entered the doors of RCHS and I plan to celebrate with them when they depart as graduates on May 25, 2018.”
Business teacher Cindy Lunsford worked for Hand for three years and had nothing but high remarks for the former principal.
“He was a pleasure to work for over the three years that he was at RCHS and will be dearly missed,” said Lunsford.
According to Lunsford, Hand brought character values to RCHS and those values were not taken for granted.
“He brought honesty, integrity, and he valued student success at RCHS, which should not be taken lightly,” said Lunsford.
Assistant Principal Angela Wilder arrived at the same time as Hand and worked with him through his entire tenure.
“He brought a type of professionalism that still carries on and he had the innate ability to nurture people,” said Wilder.
Senior Trey Cathcart had Hand as a principal for three years, and will also miss multiple facets of Hand’s leadership.
“I will miss his enthusiasm that he brought, along with his inspirational thoughts of the day, and seeing him on a daily basis,” said Cathcart. “Also, his spirit for students to succeed and most important, his selfless spirit.”
Hand’s most important goals as principal concerned how a person lives, instead of looking only at the educational realm.
“Ultimately, I wanted every student to graduate with a purpose, not just exist and meander through life aimlessly, but choose to live a life of purpose. I want each student to shift the focus off themselves and be attentive to the needs of others. I wanted students to exhibit positive behaviors in school and in the community,” said Hand. “No student should underestimate their capacity to influence those around them.”
As the principal of RCHS, Hand felt his role as a principal should be to instill good character traits in the students.
“I believe I succeeded on many levels, but only the students can answer that one. I never took for granted my role as an influential leader and the privilege of serving the students of Rockbridge County High School,” said Hand. “I hope in some small way, I was able to impart something positive and conveyed through my actions the importance of caring for each other and being accessible when needed.”
Some advice Hand wants to leave with the students of RCHS follows:
“Never give up on yourself. Students should always stretch their potential especially when they encounter bouts of discouragement and disappointment. This is a sign of growth and progress. Never let obstacles deprive you of satisfying your lifelong goals and aspirations,”
“Be intentional, take risks, and exercise grit. Eventually you will overcome self-imposed barriers, experience success, and celebrate achievement.”