STEM Academy comes to Rockbridge
As part of a push from the Rockbridge school district to increase hands on learning based in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), the CTE department has begun the implementation of a program called the CTE STEM Academy, in which students who elect to take the program’s classes will be encouraged to use solution-based learning, instead of traditional classroom lecture style learning.
CTE Director Steven Wilder said, “Solutions, is the name of it. The STEM academy basically just takes education and ups it a little bit and makes it more involved with scientific research and analysis” “They’re using a lot of math in what they do and in a real world way. In fact, it’s not anything from a textbook. In fact, these classes don’t even have textbooks, they’re just using math as they do what they do.”
The program began at the elementary school level with students who are now underclassmen, and the administration has worked to bring the STEM Academy to the high school alongside these new students.
“Last year was our planning year, and this year was the first year it’s being implemented and we’re doing it in stages,” said Wilder.
This year, the first stage, has seen the implementation of a course called 21st Century Agriculture, which is taught during one period. Next year, the CTE department plans to have two STEM Academy classes available to students: Energy and Power, and Environmental Technology.
While those who want to take the classes do have to meet certain requirements, the purpose of the CTE STEM Academy is to be open to all students willing to engage in a style of learning that they may not be as familiar with.
“It’s open to everybody, the only requirement is: you have to want to be there, there’s not a grade requirement; you’re recommended into the program and accepted into the program,” said Wilder. “The way you get recommended is, first of all, attendance if you have a really good attendance record, but if you work hard in class, and you’re motivated about learning and you really want to be there, that’s really the main requirement.”