Project Connection Changes Power

Cole Cathcart

Project Connection discusses plans for the club in a meeting.

Sophia Carlucci, Social Media Coordinator

After two years of success under graduate Ella Jarrett’s leadership, Project Connection’s (PC) leadership has shifted. Senior Sophia Youngdahl has taken over the president position in PC, a volunteering club that helps kids with disabilities or social barriers.

“Ella Jarrett made an amazing organization that allows people to spread kindness and connections throughout the community and I’m just incredibly honored to be a part of it,” said Youngdahl.

Typically, PC participates in monthly events, which involve students working with people who have a disability. Each member in the club is paired with a buddy, individual with a disability. The purpose of the club is to have fun and spread kindness to one’s buddy. The volunteer club member and assigned buddy spend directed time together once a month for the rest of the year. Club leaders, also known as core team members, set up activities and events for club members paired with a buddy to get involved in. Last year, Jarrett organized a scavenger hunt, a talent show, a field day, and monthly meet-ups for members and buddies to enjoy.

Upon graduating, Jarrett appointed Youngdahl as president of the organization. Both leaders created unique atmospheres for the club.

“It’s interesting to watch the difference in leadership styles that both possessed,” said Sophomore Cole Cathcart, a core team leader.

This year PC has selected new core team members, ran a booth at the street fair on Aug. 26, and had a meeting with the club members to discuss plans for the club, on Sept. 9. Meetings with buddies and volunteers present are once a month on a Saturday and have been held at Trinity Methodist Church and Boxerwood. The organization plans to collaborate with the National Honor Society, to hold monthly events, and to have a talent show and field day at the end of the year.

“I am incredibly thankful to be part of such an amazing organization with such great people that promotes such happiness in the community,” said sophomore Dawson Kosmas, another core team leader.

Despite the change of presidency, Jarrett remains very involved in the organization. She has fully given the position to Youngdahl, but is still involved in organizing club events.

Project Connection’s change in leadership shows a potential for change. While Youngdahl has similar goals and plans for the organization, she could also bring her own ideas for the future of the club.