Boxing Club Hits RCHS
Roger Rinehart practicing boxing moves with a club member.
February 6, 2018
By: Sophia Carlucci
The boxing club was created this year by senior Rodger Rinehart because he had an interest in boxing and wanted to bring together other interested students.
“I have always been interested in boxing. Also, my cousin boxed in college. I could not find someone to train me, so I thought to get people together to learn and practice boxing,” said Rinehart.
Photojournalism teacher Brian Hamelman decided to sponsor the boxing club because of his experience and familiarity with teaching Rinehart. Hamelman agreed to host the club meetings, but does not desire to be heavily active in the club.
“The club leaders have been involved in the Darkroom Club, so I agreed to help out by hosting meetings. I did not want any other responsibility for anyone getting hurt or anything. They have been pretty good about being independent with everything,” said Hamelman.
The club meets before school to discuss future club ideas, weekend events, and plans to meet more often on the weekends to box.
“We meet Thursday mornings to plan for the weekend and talk about club t-shirts. Next semester I plan to get more people to do stuff over the weekend,” said Rinehart.
So far, the club has had various informational meetings and one meeting that involved practicing boxing. Rinehart has set goals for the club to achieve in the near future.
“My goals for boxing club are to raise money for t-shirts and get together more on the weekends. I think boxing club is growing and we need to get more club members that are invested in it as a whole,” said Rinehart.