French and Spanish Honor Society Induct New Members
Inductees gather to celebrate their new membership.
January 6, 2020
By: Sophia Carlucci
The RCHS Spanish Honor Society (SHS) and French Honor Society (FHS) put on their first joint induction ceremony. This event allows for students to be recognized for their achievements, and promote the French and Spanish language.
Spanish and French teacher Pamela St. Clair and French teach Lynn McCrady ran the induction together.
“Having both the spanish officers and the french officers speaking to the audience was awesome because it promoted multilangualism,” said St. Clair. “Even though I speak French and Spanish, I wish I could more languages.”
Nine members were inducted into SHS and three were inducted into FHS. McCrady preferred the combined induction to the PAT separate inductions.
“It was more disconnected when we had separate inductions,” said McCrady. “Now we seeme like a united department, and the induction was uniform and very smooth.”
Senior Sarah Paredes is the president of SHS and aimed to spread cultural awareness among the community through the SHS and FHS induction.
“Combining the inductions this year showed unity and strength in our language departments,” said Paredes. “It allowed more people to come and see both ceremonies, which was beneficial in helping the community understand what we value.”
Each officer had to read speeches in French and Spanish that discussed the meaning behind being inducted into these societies. Seniors Kelby Bartley, Elise Brooke, and Lindsey Austin are the FHS chairmen.
“Everyone had spoke their parts clearly, and we did exactly what we practiced at rehearsals,” said Bartley. “I think that the new members are going to be great additions.”