Freshman Run for SCA
The class of 2025 is having their Freshman Council elections this coming Friday. Sierra Bowles is the unopposed president, Liam Courtney-Collins, Drew Potter, and Kendra Brown are running for vice president, Grace Fleshman remains unopposed for secretary, with Destinie Clark and Taina Covington running for treasurer. This has been a busy week for these freshmen as they campaign for their respective positions and fight to win over the majority of their class for votes.
When asked why they ran for their particular positions, the running class officers, Sierra Bowles, Taina Covington, Grace Fleshman, and Liam Courtney-Collins gave some interesting answers.
“I am running for council because I want to make a difference. I was thinking of running for president, but I wanted to let someone else take center stage,” said Covington.
“I am running for secretary to help lead and make an impact in the freshman class. I think it will also be cool to help plan events that are happening around the school,” said Fleshman.
“I think that becoming president would be a good bit of pressure but with vice president I would still get to make changes without having all of the responsibility and stress of being president,” said Courtney-Collins.
“Honestly, coming into a new school and having the opportunity to serve as president appealed to me because I want to make a difference in this class and in RCHS. I have older friends who are involved with SCA and I love hearing them talk about the things they are planning and all of the school spirit activities. I just really want to be a part of that,” said Bowles.
The running class officers were also asked what value they want to bring to the freshman class this school year along with what changes they want to see in their grade.
“I find I will add a sense of humor and fun, but also unity, and being organized and considerate in everything I do. I would like to see unity between people from different districts, and being respectful to all,” said Covington.
“I think that I am pretty good at public speaking so I can voice the opinions of the freshmen. We are freshmen but we are also in high school so we should try to act more mature as a class,” said Courtney-Collins.
“I want to be the voice of reason and speak for all of the freshmen. I want my class to feel comfortable approaching the council and make RCHS a more light-hearted environment,” said Bowles.
“I think I will add leadership and positivity to the freshman class. I would like to see more people building people up and cheering people on when they have succeeded at something. I would also like to see more hard work in reaching goals,” said Fleshman.
Lastly, the officers were asked how they have been campaigning.
“I have been giving out handouts as well as putting up a bunch of posters around the school,” said Courtney-Collins.
“I have been putting up many posters, and there are still more to come. I have also relied on a bit of word-of-mouth,” said Covington.
On Friday, September 24, Sierra Bowles was elected freshman class president, Liam Courtney-Collins was elected as vice president, Grace Fleshman as secretary, and Taina Covington as the treasurer. We wish this class good luck in their ventures for the future and look forward to seeing what changes they will come to make at RCHS.