In 10 Years

Myrissa Flowers works on an assignment in class

A question we all find ourselves contemplating is, where will I be in 10 years? It’s an interesting thought that is truly unanswerable, but we can all hope for where we’ll be. As the seniors near graduation and move on to their adult lives, we asked a handful of them, where will you be in 10 years? 

“I could see myself working in some line of Christian ministry, organizations such as YoungLife or any form of missions may be where I look, but at the moment I just know that it will fall along the lines of ministry,” said Smith Hall.

As for Alex Hughes, he has high hopes for his life after high school. “In 10 years I’ll hopefully be graduated from law school and doing my second or third judicial clerkship or already in private practice.”

Myrissa Flowers has a simple, but solid plan. “Ideally I’ll have a stable job, some dogs and live out in the woods.”

Some of us choose to stay close to home, and some of us choose to get as far as possible. When asked about the future, Luci Hanstedt said, “Hopefully I’ll be traveling the world.”

Unfortunately none of us are fortune tellers, so we can’t truly predict the future. However, we are excited to see where the unknown leads the RCHS Class of 2022.