The Outing Club Skis Into Action

Students after a full day on the mountain.

Heidi Schwarzmann, Managing Editor

In previous years, RCHS has had a school sponsored Ski Club. The group would take an annual trip to a ski resort a drivable distance away. The club took a pause during 2021 as COVID rules made the trip difficult to conduct. In 2022, former RCHS student Grace Shaw, and now senior Maxwell Pearson adopted the Ski Trip as President and Vice President of the Outing Club. The 2022 trip was a great success with over 20 students attending. The trip took place early February at Wintergreen Resort.  

Senior Aubrey Hagenbuch attended last year’s trip. 

“The Ski Trip was a lot of fun last year,” said Hagenbuch. “I hadn’t been in a while and it was cool to get to go with all my friends.” 

This year will follow a very similar format. The trip will take place Feb. 13, at Wintergreen Resort again. Students will leave early that morning in order to have a full day on the slopes. Students are given the option to ski or snowboard. Equipment is rented at the resort, making this trip doable for those who do not have their own. There is no previous skiing experience required, making this an inclusive trip for all members.

“I’m excited for this year’s trip since last year was so great,” said Hagenbuch. “I encourage people to get involved with the Outing Club so they have the opportunity to do trips like this.” 

For information regarding joining the Outing Club, contact Maxwell Pearson ([email protected]) or Lily Youngman. ([email protected]