Trivium is Hulling in the Money
On March 18, Trivium yearbook staff will hold their annual Hull’s Drive-In fundraiser. Each ticket is $16 if pre ordered online and $20 at the gate. This fundraiser has been very successful in the past and serves to provide funds for the yearbook staff.
Mr. Hamelman, Trivium supervisor, goes on to explain where those funds go.
“The funds from the drive-in fundraiser go towards our photojournalism program. With these funds, we are able to purchase equipment, and to keep the book at the lowest price point possible for our students. We take a financial loss on every book sold, so we must make that money back to keep our program going strong,” said Hamelman.
This year the staff decided to show Willy Wonka, an American classic. Hamelman sheds some perspective on why they thought this would be a good pick.
“We like to choose movies that appeal to both high schoolers and the general community. Because Hull’s is open to the public, we want to appeal to the widest range of people possible so that we can raise money and make our supporters happy. Willy Wonka is a good choice because it is nostalgic, and it can be enjoyed by both younger and older viewers. It is also a unique and creative movie, which I feel like is an extension of the personality of our staff,” said Hamelman.
Hamelman continues to explain how the Trivium staff is preparing for their big night.
“We create advertising materials every year, such as posters and a film to show before the movie. Our films are meant to be humorous PSA’s on why yearbooks are important, and are thematically related to the movie we show,” said Hamelman.
When asked if there was any additional information the students should know Hamelman replied with various activities being held at Hull’s during their fundraiser.
“ Cocoa Mill will be giving out 100 chocolate bars to people who make purchases at the concession stand, and one of the bars will have a golden ticket (just like in the movie!). The golden ticket winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Cocoa Mill. Also, Girl Scouts will be selling cookies, and the Trivium Staff will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets,” said Hamelman.
Senior Kenzie Poulsen gives her opinion on the production and fundraiser.
“I’m super excited for the Hulls fundraiser this year. I think this year will be super successful because of all the time we’ve put to planning it and advertising it. Since we’re doing Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, Cocoa Mill is donating 100 chocolate bars to people who order at concessions and there is one golden ticket with a $50 gift card to Cocoa Mill. There are also Girl Scouts selling Girl Scout cookies as well. So hopefully that will bring more people out to the Drive In this year!! We’re hoping to raise more money than previous years so that we can continue to keep the cost down for yearbooks,” said Poulsen.
On that note, if you find yourself looking for something to do or just want to come support the Trivium staff, come to Hull’s Drive In on March 18 at 6:00 p.m. for a movie, raffle, snacks, and more. For more information regarding the fundraiser you can email Trivium adviser, Brian Hamelman at [email protected] or visit their instagram page for the latest updates @the_trivium.