Andrew Kelly Hits Milestones

Andrew Kelly, on the right, facing off at a home game. Photo by Madi Poulsen.

Addie Flint, Reporter

Freshman Andrew Kelly won his 100th career face-off win during the home lacrosse game against Christiansburg High School on April 27. 

A face off in lacrosse is when two players from opposing teams battle to win the ball for the start of the play. Kelly enjoys face-offs because he loves starting the game.

“Winning a face-off is the perfect way to start the game or the plays,” said Kelly. 

Kelly has been on multiple teams from different areas during his lacrosse career. “I’ve been playing [lacrosse] for eight years,” said Kelly. “I played for LexLax Lacrosse in Lexington and I play for Valley Select in Roanoke. I played Valley for three summer seasons and two fall seasons.”

On these teams, Kelly played midfield and often took the face-offs in games. 

Last year, Kelly played on the JV Boys Lacrosse Team. Being one of five freshmen playing on Varsity this season, this accomplishment is a huge deal for Kelly. 

“I couldn’t have done it without Coach Finn and all of his help. He spends a lot of time with me after practice everyday,” said Kelly. 

Sophomore John Brooke has been playing lacrosse at the highschool for the past two years. Brooke plays attack for the Boys Varsity Lacrosse team.   

“Andrew is always trying his best on the field. You can really tell he puts the work in,” said Brooke. 

Sophomore Jack Jensen has been the Boys Varsity Lacrosse goalie for the past two years. He has played lacrosse his entire life and plans to continue his career in college. 

Here, he talks about Andrew and his growth. 

“As the season went on, I could tell Andrew was more confident in his game,” said Jensen 

As Kelly continues to learn and excel in the sport he loves, he is thankful for his family’s love and support. He is excited to see what his future in lacrosse holds for him.