Every holiday season, the Hospitality Program sets up a bakery, called the Cat Crew Bakery. The Cat Crew Bakery is led by Ms. McKenzey Robinson, and her Upper Level Hospitality class runs the bakery every year.
Work Based Learning Coordinator Mrs. Robyn Sherman started the Cat Crew program. Sherman also used to teach the Hospitality class.
The Cat Crew originates from a project enterprise, which the class had to create.
“We had to do a school based enterprise, so the Hospitality class decided they wanted to do a cupcake bakery,” said Sherman
The Cat Crew started as a cupcake only bakery, but expanded when Robinson started teaching the hospitality class.
“It first originated as a cupcake bakery, and when Ms. Robinson came and took my place, she expanded it into the cat crew bakery,” said Sherman.
This year, the Cat Crew is baking Yule Logs and Cheese Balls. Yule Logs are different flavor cakes that are wrapped up into rolls, and filled in with different flavors of whipped cream.
The Yule Logs that are for sale are Buche De Noel (Chocolate Hazelnut), Christmas Vanilla, Gingerbread Lane, and Red Velvet. The Yule Logs will be $25 and the Cheese Balls will be $10.
Robinson explains what this project is for her upper level Hospitality class.
“This is going to be their midterm exam,” said Robinson.
Anyone interested in these baked goods should fill out an order form. All the funds raised will benefit the RCHS Hospitality Program. The payments were due on December 11th, and the baked goods will be available for pickup on December 19th.
For any further questions, talk to Ms. Robinson in room T5. Help the Hospitality class, and buy your goods!