This year, the administration has introduced new bells to signal class changes. However, the new bells have sparked some controversy among students.
Sophomore Lucas Secoy created a petition to change the bells.
“I created it through the website,” said Secoy.
He continued by sharing the reasoning behind the petition.
“To be totally honest, it started out as a joke. After I noticed a lot of people told me I should do it, I said ‘why not?’” said Secoy.
Secoy then voiced his next steps.
“Here soon though I am playing on starting to try and get more signatures on it again and get an administration to finally look at it. Right now I’ve just been busy, and had to put the petition in the background,” said Secoy.
Sophomore Chase Potter is another advocate for the petition.
“We agreed that change is not always better. We would just like to have the same kind of nostalgia of last year and have the same bell,” said Potter.
Potter was then asked for his plans on getting more signatures.
“Pretty much by word right now. We are up to 200 signatures, so it’s just spreading throughout the school right now,” said Potter.
Assistant principal Dan Fallen shared his opinion of the new bells.
“As an administrative staff, we are very happy that the bells are working and that they’re ringing at the correct times. We thought the wildcat would be kind of a school spirited one, so that’s why we have the wildcat first period,” said Fallen.
Fallen continued by sharing the administration’s response to the petition.
“We are open to changing what the actual tones are. I’m aware that a petition went around to change the bells. I appreciate students being interested in matters of the school. With this particular issue they could’ve come and spoken to us and we would’ve been happy to look at different options,” said Fallen.