Every year, the theater program chooses, practices, and performs a musical for the community. This year, they are performing “Legally Blonde, Jr”.
Theater is taught by Erin Allen, who also teaches various art courses.
“Each year alternates between a Classic musical and a ‘modern’ musical. This is a modern musical year,” Allen said. “”Legally Blonde, JR” is current as well as being a fun, challenging comedy for a large cast!”
“Legally Blonde Jr”. tells the story of Elle Woods, a fashionable, popular girl, and how she overcomes stereotypes in pursuit of her dreams. At the start of the year, Allen held auditions in order to cast roles for the play in March.
“Auditions are held for major roles. Students choose which roles that they wish to audition and practice becoming those characters on stage. Auditions alone decide which roles students receive,” Allen said.
While students are auditioning, they are asked two questions: “Are you believable as this character?” and “Will you be able to build this character further?” This year, Freshman Abigail Woodford answered these questions correctly.
“As soon as I found out that we were doing Legally Blonde, I knew that I wanted to get Elle. Elle is such an iconic role and she is such a fun character. I thought that I would be able to really bring the character to life,” Woodford said. “Of course I was so surprised when I found out, because I never thought they would give it to me, since I’m a freshman. I could not stop smiling when I found out and it was definitely one of the best days I’ve ever had.”
The lead role is rarely given to a freshman. It is usually reserved for older, more experienced actors, but this year, Woodford stole the show.
She knew she wanted Elle and she spent hours perfecting her audition.
“I was really nervous for the auditions because I wanted Elle more than anything. Because I wanted her so badly, I read the lines everyday and listened to the music non-stop,” Woodford said.
Now that roles have been cast, the theater program is working toward their performance.
“We are choreographing and blocking the script chronologically – and hopefully will be complete by the end of the 9 weeks,” Allen said. “In January, we will run the musical with costumes, props, and scene changes!”
To see Woodford as Elle of “Legally Blonde Jr,” come to RCHS on March 20, 21, and 22 at 7pm.
“Getting cast as Elle is such an honor. I feel so lucky to have been given this opportunity, especially since I’m a freshman,” Woodford said. “This is my first big role and I’m so happy that it’s Elle Woods. I feel so blessed to have this amazing chance.”