The National Honors Society (NHS) hosts a lip sync competition each year in February. The lip sync is a school tradition that started 13 years ago. To raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis.
Students at the school can sign up to do an act in the performance through a link in their email. The acts can be one person or multiple. The acts can be funny and silly, and bring laughter into the school. Students are allowed to pick any song they want, but it must be school appropriate.
For seniors ,Willow Moles shares her favorite part of the lip sync.
“My favorite part is watching all of the funny acts and knowing the money is going to a good cause,” Moles said.
Not just the NHS is hosting the lip sync, the Student Council Association (SCA) is working with them. Both of the groups come together to plan how the event will look and how smooth it runs. They also ask for donations from businesses for raffles and prize money.
For senior, Lydia Kendall said there is a lot that goes into planning.
“We advertise the event by saying it over the announcements, and sending out emails. We also talk to businesses to donate items and money for raffle baskets and prizes,” Kendall said.
All the money the school raises goes to Cystic Fibrosis.
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic illness that affects your lungs and various organs. There is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis. If someone has Cystic Fibrosis, then they cannot get close to another person who also has Cystic Fibrosis.
For senior, Cameron Terry states why she thinks people should attend.
“People should come to the Lip Sync because all the funds go to Cystic Fibrosis research and it is a great way to get involved with the school,” Terry said.
The Lip Sync is a school wide event that brings the community together and helps raise money for other people. It can also be funny to watch your classmates be funny on stage.
The Lip Sync is Feb,28. Tickets will be sold during lunches Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the week of the event. The tickets are $5 during lunches and $7 at the door. Support the NHS and the SCA by coming to the Lip Sync.