The Wild Robot, an animated film produced by Dreamworks Animation, and directed by Chris Sanders, was released to cinemas on Sept. 27, 2024. This movie is based off of the 2016 novel, The Wild Robot, written by Peter Brown. It falls under the family and adventure category, and has a run time of one hour and 42 minutes.
This film features many famous actors and actresses who display their voice acting skills. Some of these actors include Mark Hamill, Pedro Pascal, and Stephanie Hsu. Overall, the movie collected a 97% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes as well as an eight out of ten on the IMDb (Internet Movie Database) critics scale.
Since being released to box offices, the film has made 321.9 million dollars in profit, all on a production budget of 78 million dollars. The film has become the fifth-highest grossing animated film of 2024.
Throughout the movie, the audience follows Roz, a robot designed in order to help others, who has been shipwrecked on an island inhabited only by animals. Getting used to the surroundings, Roz begins to create relationships with all of the different creatures on the island. However, many of them only see Roz as a scary monster.
Roz’s design as a robot leads her to be controlled by tasks given by others, but because she is only around animals, she cannot find a task to complete. While gaining experience with all of the animals on the island, Roz learns how to communicate with them all.
Along the way, Roz takes the motherly role over an orphaned gosling. After taking over this role, Roz and the gosling, named Brightbill, create a strong emotional bond, leading to many fun adventures.
Personally, I loved the emotional growth and development of the many main characters. It shows depth in the script and adds to the entire experience, giving a more complex story. It also helps add to the emotional connection between the movie characters and the audience.
When thinking about the movie, nothing negative comes to mind. I really believe this movie had minimal flaws, if any at all.
I felt that it was a very, very fun watch, and something that was so incredibly light hearted. It was uplifting and provided a very enjoyable story that I thought was very meaningful. There were so many great moments, and it’s too hard for me to pick a favorite.
Instead, I suggest you watch this movie for yourself, and see what you think. Overall, the movie is fun, emotional, light hearted, and ultimately a great film to watch with the family!
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