MLK Day in Rockbridge County

Picture of first MLK Day parade in Lexington, Va in 2017. -Workers World Virginia’s first-ever MLK Day march in Lexington – Workers World
This past Monday, Jan. 17, was Martin Luther King Jr. day. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a holiday in the United States honoring the achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., who was a Baptist minister and Civil Rights leader who promoted nonviolent resistance against racial segregation in the 1960s.
While every community celebrates this holiday in their own special way, Rockbridge County has various events going on to commemorate this great individual and his contributions to modern day society. The biggest event Lexington offered was an annual awareness parade. This parade, thrown by CARE Rockbridge, which stands for Community Anti-Racism Efforts, is an opportunity to rally together and march in memory of Dr. King. This serves as a great opportunity and reminder to the city of Lexington that we need to come together despite race, ethnicity, or sexuality.
Sophomore Addie Wright spoke on the holiday.
“Martin Luther King Jr. day is important because his achievements shaped people’s civil rights. A day off from school was really nice because it gave us a chance to remember what he did for us and for our modern day society.”
Further, sophomore Catherine Balkey told us how she spent her day off.
“Normally Lexington has a parade to celebrate MLK day but unfortunately this year, due to the snow, the parade was canceled. I missed the annual festivities but I’m hoping that just means that there will be an even bigger show up for next year,” said Balkey.
Through the organizations CARE and The Association of Black Citizens of Lexington (ABCL), Rockbridge County was able to offer different awareness videos and sessions along with the chance of community service projects having to do with unity. These projects help remind our youth of the sacrifices made by this great individual. While Rockbridge prides itself in maintaining an inclusive environment to all, Martin Luther King Jr. day is a good reminder to everyone to continue the legacy put forth by the leaders before us.