Fast Food Deliveries at School Stopped by Admin.
Here at RCHS food deliveries at school are not allowed. In the past we students have ordered pizza, fast food, etc, and it has been delivered to the school. Food deliveries come with a lot of security issues. For example, having a stranger coming to the school to deliver food to the front office is very unsafe because no one knows who they are. Another example for safety would be that having someone deliver food to the school and administration could be thinking it is just food when it could be something that is not allowed on school grounds.
“We have federal guidelines with the Department of Agriculture, that’s who is over the school lunches. The school lunches are free and fast food deliveries compete with that, the government pays for us to have free school lunches that’s why we push no food deliveries. Fast food deliveries go against school operations because it involves someone coming to the front of the school,” said Fleshman.
Food deliveries can also be a nutrition issue. According to “Medical News Today,”
“Fast food is often nutritionally poor and high in calories.”
Yes, it is delicious but the school lunch gives you a variety of fruits and vegetables to go with your meal. If your food delivery gets to the school later than the lunch period, it could cause you to miss your lunch period and you would not eat all the rest of the day.
Another reason that these deliveries could be an issue is students being late to class. If they order food for lunch and it gets there later than they thought, they would be late to class because that was the students lunch.
These issues are only a select few with food being delivered during school hours. If everyone is having food delivered to them during school hours, they wouldn’t use the opportunity to have a free school lunch.