One of the hottest topics in the hallways is the controversy surrounding E-Hall passes. Despite all the issues and pushback, new regulations have recently been approved by school administration. The new adjustments taking place regarding E-Hall is the implementation of having students take yellow passes in the bathroom with them. This will help regulate the hallways and help hall monitors determine which students have been given permission to be out of class.
Further, admin has decided that each student will not be allowed to leave class within the first or last ten minutes of teaching instruction. The hopes for this rule is to minimize the amount of students who are missing important class time as well as reduce the number of students trying to skip class or take advantage of the passes.
While most students have voiced their opinions on how tedious and inefficient this system is, admin wants the student body to understand why they are making new adjustments.
Mr. Sparks shares why he believes these new rules were so essential to upkeeping the RCHS environment.
“The passes were made in order to improve punctuality to class and reduce congestion in the hallways. The E-Hall pass system helps with accountability,” said Sparks.
Despite the wishes of the students, E-Hall is not going anywhere and the rules may continue to become more rigid if pushback continues. With that said, the main goal is to improve school atmosphere and increase school safety.