Prescription take back began in 2010. It was discovered by the office of the attorney general to take back prescriptions that people no longer use or are expired. On Oct. 26 from 10am-2pm, National Prescription Drug Take Back Day will be taking place at Lexington and Buena Vista’s CVS locations, who are partnering with law enforcement.
Resource officer, Craig Lawhorn, says that this day is for people to bring in prescriptions that are old, not used, or for people who need to get all prescriptions out of their house.
“The safest way to disregard these prescriptions is to put them in a drug take back box,” Lawhorn said.
A drug take back box is where you can drop prescriptions off so they can be discarded properly. The reason for take back boxes is so these prescriptions don’t end up on the streets or out of homes where they are not needed. A total of 80% of homes are affected due to pill abuse, therefore a drug take back is the safest way to make Rockbridge and other counties safe. The drug drop off box is a locked storage box so no one can retrieve prescriptions. Once the lock box is full, they take all the prescriptions in the box and destroy them by an outside processor.
Rockbridge County and others are holding the drop off box Oct. 26, but that’s not the only time you can drop medication off. CVS has a 24 hour drop off box that you can drop your medication off at anytime.