On Nov. 5, crowds across the nation will flock to voting booths in order to cast their votes for the candidate they believe would be best suited for running the country and will represent them the best. For many voters, it can be hard to cut through media biases (media reporting that has a bias to a political party) and political noise surrounding the election, candidates, and their policies and campaigns.
It can be hard to make an informed decision when it’s hard to trust your sources. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of Democratic nominee vice president Kamala Harris and Republican nominee former president Donald Trump’s political platforms and campaigns.
Both Trump and Harris’ platforms have been largely targeting issues surrounding the middle class and economy.
According to Harris’ campaign website, Harris plans on being an “advocate for the middle class”.
She intends to make the economy less competitive in order for it to be easier for small business owners to enter into the marketplace. Additionally, she plans on lowering the cost of and assisting in the purchase of homes, groceries, and prescription drugs in order for the middle class to thrive and strengthen the economy. She proposes tax cuts for the middle class as well. She often appeals to her background of growing up from a middle class immigrant household in order to connect with voters and strengthen her credibility.
Trump’s campaign website also targets issues surrounding the economy and middle-class, but he proposes different policies.
Trump intends to produce more products domestically in order for the US economy to grow and thrive. He also plans on further industrializing the US economy and manufacturing in order to increase domestic production. Similarly to Harris, he appeals to the middle class by intending to introduce numerous tax cuts for workers and eliminate taxes from tips.
As part of Trump’s “20 core promises to make America great again”, Trump states some key policies and points of his platform on his website.
Some of these include tighter immigration regulations, protection of gun rights, and to cut funding for schools that teach critical race theory and gender ideology.
According to the Grand Old Party (GOP)/Republican Platform , Trump intends to increase immigration regulations by rebuilding the border wall he began constructing in his first term and carry out mass deportations on “all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members” (GOP platform). While he proposes that this will protect Amsricans, it can also people easily taken advantage of, as it can be hard to prove in some cases that individuals could fit his description or they could be subjected to racial profiling (arresting or assuming someone is a criminal due to their race).
Harris also introduces many other policies on her campaign page, such as eliminating tax loopholes, raising the minimum wage, and promoting high paying jobs that don’t require a college degree.
Harris intends to eliminate degree requirements that she believes are unnecessary for certain jobs in the federal and private sectors, although she doesn’t specify which jobs or their specific fields.
She also wants to promote apprenticeships and skill-based jobs in order to give those who are unable to go to college better chances of finding a stable and well-paying career after high school. To further help this issue, Harris intends to raise the minimum wage and reduce taxes on tips to help workers get more money.
The most impactful way one can make a difference within our country is to vote. While protesting and spreading awareness about an issue can make a difference to an extent, voting can have more impact and is the most sure way to make a difference. If you have the ability to, seize your right to vote and go to the polls to pick who you think should be our next commander in chief!
What you need to know before casting your vote this November
Bella Fitch, Opinion Editor
November 5, 2024
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About the Contributor
Bella Fitch, Opinion Editor
Junior Bella Fitch is a second-year reporter for the Prowler. She decided to join the Prowler because she is passionate about writing. In the past, she’s enjoyed interviewing people and finding unique and interesting story angles for her articles. This year she’s looking forward to how she can make her stories more complex and creative. She holds leadership positions in Project Connection as a member at large, marching band as the librarian, and the club S.T.A.N.D. as the liaison. Outside of school, Fitch takes part in the RCHS marching band, Rockbridge Youth Choral, and multiple clubs. In her free time she likes to draw, cook, and read. Some of the school subjects she is most passionate about include english, history, band, and art.
anonymous • Nov 5, 2024 at 1:16 pm
the bias goes CRAZY