February is always the beginning of the sick season. With the change of the weather, and fluctuating schedules, it can be hard to take your health into consideration. Often time sickness spreads because people are too busy to stop even if they are sick causing germs to spread.
Schools around Virginia are trying to make attendance a priority this school year but this sickness has affected many teachers and students. The outbreak of the flu had started at the end of Jan. and the beginning of Feb. On the 3rd of Feb., it was the most students out sick with a total of 142 kids.
Attendance Clerk Bridget Ramsey is in charge of recording students’ attendance. She notices first hand the decrease in numbers..
“Students’ parents should either call or send a note stating that they are sick”, said Ramsey.
The note will give the students up to 10 days excused. “After the 10 days are used,
Using a doctor’s note will count as an absence but doesn’t count against you for an excused absence,” said Ramsey.
Nurse Penni Allen had been very busy with helping to fight the germs. She gave some advice on how to stay clear of the sickness.
“The most important thing to stay safe is to wash your hands before and after you come into contact with anything,” said Allen.
To stay away from the sickness, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and rest is necessary to help stay healthy. Vitamins and fresh air can also help to strengthen your immune system.