Fashion Faux Pas

Student searches for new fashion trends

Heidi Schwarzmann, Managing Editor

As fall 2022 approaches, mainstream clothing stores and companies are putting out their autumn collections. 2022 fashion has been heavily inspired by trends from the 70s through the early 2000s. Generation Z has had a huge impact on fashion trends through social media, and have left millennials in the dust.

 Popular social media platform, Tik Tok, has recently popularized the slang term “chuegy” that often takes a stab at the stereotypical millennial fashion. The definition is broadly used to describe a style or trend that is out of date. 

 Skinny jeans, Ugg boots, and flannels are all fall fashion trends that Generation Z has deemed “chuegy” and unacceptable in 2022. Haedyn Hartless is a junior at RCHS. 

“I have noticed that this school year there are a lot less ripped jeans, barely anyone is wearing them,” said Hartless.

The trends popularized by Gen Z change so often that items from the past have begun to resurface. Mom jeans, bell bottom pants, and puffy sleeves have all made a come back from the 80s. 

Shoes have equally, if not more, jumped through the decades. Back are the days of Mary Janes, stiletto heels, and tassel loafers. An unpredictable shoe from the 2000s that has come and gone as desirable are “Crocs”. While some may consider this rubber scencasion timeless, others feel their time has passed.

 “I feel like crocs had a resurgence, and then they fell off. They are now seen as tacky again,” said Hartless. 

Summer 2022 brought back the bright neon colors that were lost to the neutral and pastel trends of 2021. These bright colors were shown off by many companies, specifically athleisure brands such as Lululemon and Athleta. These saturated colors are reminiscent of the 2010s when everyone was decked head-to-toe in vibrant patterns from Lilly Pulitzer’ and Vera Bradly. While patterns such as gingham polka dots, and chevron are no longer up to par with Gen Z standards, the saturated solids continue to shine on. 

Ava McCabe is a senior at RCHS. “When I hear the word chuegy the very first thing I think of is chevron,” said McCabe. “I cringe at myself wearing a dress that donned the pattern for my fifth grade graduation, but it was all the rage back then.”