Are Celsius Energy Drinks Actually Good For You?
Lacrosse player, Emma Bates warms up for practice after enjoying a Celsius.
February 27, 2023
In today’s world, energy drinks are becoming more widely used and talked about. Celsius, a type of energy drink, is becoming widely consumed by people. The question is, are Celsius energy drinks really good for people? Celsius is a pre-exercise supplement drink that gives you an extra push in your workout.
So instead of taking pre-workout, one can drink a Celsius and it will boost your energy, lower your metabolism, and be all around healthier for you. I personally love Celsius. Drinking them before a soccer game or for some energy in the morning is a normal thing for me. However, just because the can says it is healthy, does not always mean it is the best for you. The caffeine in a Celsius is equivalent to 3.05 cups of coffee.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Celsius, among other drinks, can cause insomnia, anxiety, heart complications, and dehydration. The Celsius company recommends that the drinks should only be used before workouts. For me, it is so easy to wake up in the morning and take a Celsius out of the fridge and drink it for some extra energy. I only drink one per day about three times a week, but according to a survey done at RCHS, many students drink seven or more Celsius per week.
There have been multiple court cases that have happened against Celsius. People claim they have suffered heart attacks and other major heart problems because of Celsius. These are the people who will drink four or five Celsius a day and then do not go workout. Celsius is meant to be a workout buddy.
Celsius is the type of drink where you can choose if it is good for you or not. If you use the drink as the label tells you too, then you most likely will not suffer from any problems. If you drink too much and do not follow the label, then that is when Celsius becomes bad for you. Eighty-seven percent of students who took the survey do not drink Celsius so it is not very popular inside RCHS. Celsius is a competitor with Red Bull, Monster, and pre-workout along with other energy drinks. According to Hone Health, Celsius is the healthiest energy drink because of the low sugar count and not a lot of additives.
So the answer to the question, are Celsius energy drinks really good for me? Yes, if you do not drink 10 of them a day.