As the temperature is dropping, many people switch out their sandals for something warmer. A comfy option can be boots or slippers that are insulated with sheep fur; however, people have strong feelings about these shoes.
In a poll sent out to students, people call them “ugly” others call them “tacky and clunky looking” and some may go as far as comparing them to roblox shoes. What are all these folks talking about? Uggs, in my opinion, are the overrated and ugly shoe of the fall.
Compared to other shoes, Uggs are seasonal and impractical. These fuzzy boots can only be worn in cooler seasons due to the insulated insides. Another con is that they aren’t waterproof. This means that wearing them during a snowy winter or rainy fall is a no-go. After a while, the fuzzy insides become old and matted leaving the wearer with a plain boot.
Sophomore Risa Penney expressed her distaste in these shoes by stating the uncleanliness of them.
“If you wear them without socks, then the sweat makes the fur not soft and it’s just gross,” said Penney.
A point could be made saying they are “house shoes,” but even if they are, the price is outrageous. The price of Uggs is what shocked me the most. The boots and slippers can range from $120- 160 per pair, which is a lot of money for a pair of seasonal shoes.
Savannah Whitmer, not only stated how she found the overuse of the shoe annoying but the price too expensive.
“ I think they’re really ugly and really basic and they’re expensive for no reason,” said Whitmer.

The look of the shoe is another controversial point. Some people like Junior Noah Alexander say they look “comfortable”, but for sophomore’s Shelby Strode and Ashlyn Camden these shoes are down right unattractive.
“ I think they’re hideous. They make people’s feet look like bricks, and they’re too hot,” said Strode.
“They’re very ugly,” said Camden.
The poll taken shows 68.1 % of 113 people like Uggs, but when asked why the responses were mostly because they thought they were cute. Some responses from the poll stated the outside texture of the shoe made them “uncomfortable”.
I believe it is not the shoe that is necessarily cute but the outfit worn with them. For example if you wore Uggs with shorts and a sweater would they still be cute? Perhaps, but the outfits would strongly resemble an early 2000’s outfit.
Hospitality teacher, Mackenzie Robinson has expressed her opinion on Uggs.
“They are very early 2000s style,” said Robinson.
Since these are early 2000s I believe it’s time to retire shoes and move on to a new style.
Uggs also are not very “big feet” friendly, only going to size 12 in womens and not offering an option for wide or narrow footed people. These shoes are very odd looking, often being compared to “clown shoes”. With this being said Uggs in larger sizes are often not sold as much as those in smaller sizes.
Not only do Uggs not have many size options there color options could be compared to that of a sad beige aesthetic. The brightest color I found was called “deep ice,” and, in my opinion, it looked like the blue Tootsie pops, which was not very appealing. It could be said the plain colors are for marketing the shoe to go with anything, but this goes back to outfits looking similar to the 2000s.
Sophomore Gracie Pelter’s response to her opinion on Uggs was,

“they’ve gotten too much hype for them, and they’re kinda ugly,” said Pelter
This response was similar to others who do not favor Uggs, calling them over-hyped. In my opinion Uggs are certainly overrated and not very appealing for their price, but I have nothing against those who wear or even like them.