Prior to junior year we were warned that it would be the hardest year of highschool yet. We all braced for impact that never hit. We somehow managed Dual Enrollment classes, AP classes, sports and extracurricular activities with no issues. We survived our junior year and made it to summer. Our last summer as kids for most of us.
Aug, 1 was a rude awakening with college applications opening disrupting our relaxing summer. Suddenly, what time we were going to the pool was the least of our worries. Now we had the stress of filling out form after form. Budgeting time to write essays and scrounging for time to enjoy the last bit of summer.
But just like that Aug. 14 was here and we were sitting in a classroom again. Everyone is eager for the first day of senior year. We all expected to start the day off with some fun icebreakers, and get to know each other’s activities but instead we were hit by homework on the first day of school. Deadlines for that Friday, and quizzes the following week.
On top of school work and college applications, seniors are also managing after school activities. Finding ways to study for tests at practice; working on presentations at after school jobs. There just never seems to be enough time in the day to get it all done.
In addition to all the new school work, college applications, extracurricular activities we were also hit with a book of new rules. We now have to complete a three step process to be able to go to the bathroom, which may or may not be open when you get there. We are not allowed to use our phones which has been the biggest change. I say this because we had all just spent most of our summer doom scrolling which came to an abrupt stop. Even though the phone usage is for the better of our education it puts a damper on the year.
As we scrap for spare time to sleep and eat we all look back on our past 3 years of highschool and wish we hadn’t taken those easier years for granted. Although we are all extremely overwhelmed our counselors and teachers have been very understanding with deadlines and due dates to accommodate our busy schedules.