As the school year is heading to a close, decisions that seniors have to make are starting to mount up. Deciding on what college or what job you are going to do after graduating can cause a lot of stress. While these decisions are very important, they can get blown out of proportion and cause unnecessary stress. But it is very important to remember that staying positive about the decisions can help relieve the stress of the decisions.
The choices that seniors are making can cause a lot of stress. Applying for college earlier in the year caused stress to meet deadlines, but as results are coming out, people are getting accepted into college, they will have to make a decision of where to attend after high school. Not only does the decision cause stress, waiting for their acceptance or decline to come causes a lot too. It can be very hard if you don’t get accepted but your friends do or vice-versa. It can be challenging to stay positive if you don’t get accepted in the college you want or if you have to choose between two colleges you really want to, but there are a couple ways to stay positive.
One of the best ways to stay positive is to stay grateful. When you are grateful about your surroundings, your opportunities, your friends, it will help to think about all of the good things going on in your life, it will help to relieve the stress that some of these things are giving you. Even if you didn’t get accepted into the college of your dreams, be grateful that you got accepted into other colleges. If you are getting stressed about deciding between colleges, remember to be grateful that you get to choose between two great colleges.
Another way to stay positive and alleviate the stress of these decisions is to be around people you like. When you are around people that annoy you, it can cause more stress when you have to deal with these people. When you are with people that love and care about you, it will help you to be happier and they can help you with your stress.
If you are dealing with lots of stress and don’t know where to go, the counselors in our school are very good resources to talk to somebody who is qualified to help you. Stress can cause damage to your life and be hard to live, but staying positive will help relieve this and the counselors can help you as well.