Ashlee Payne


Ashlee Payne discusses the class agenda with her English 11 AP students.

Sophia Carlucci, Features Maestro Leader

By: Sophia Carlucci
Ashlee Payne is the new English 10 and 11 AP teacher at RCHS. Payne received her associate’s degree at Blue Ridge Community College and her bachelor’s degree at George Mason University, where she began her profession.
“During my time at George Mason, I taught English to freshmen students attending the university. I thought about going into creative writing and literature, but preferred teaching writing composition much more,” said Payne.
Growing up, books were a big part of Payne’s life, beginning her love for reading and writing. This foundation led her to become an English teacher.
“When I was little I would always stay at my grandmother’s house and we would read together all of the time.We would go to the bookstore together and buy all kinds of books. I realized how much I loved English when I would reflect on these happy memories,” said Payne.
Other than reading, Payne enjoys spending time with her cat, Sawyer, and anything that involves Harry Potter.
Payne grew up in Waynsboro, VA and, when she heard about the job opening at RCHS, she applied.
“I really like Rockbridge because everyone is so kind. I am thankful for everyone welcoming me into the community and I am thankful to be here,” said Payne.