Balkey Begins at RCHS
The beginning of the school year always brings new faces to RCHS. This year, while students can not be in person, they still have the chance to meet new students and staff through other ways. Since starting a new year, RCHS has gained many new and qualified teachers.
One of the new teachers, Jennifer Balkey was just about to begin her 28th year of teaching, when the school board decided to start virtually.
“I believe that the best decision was made in how we started school,” said Balkey.
Balkey is a long-time Virginia resident and has taught in many schools, including Patrick Henry in Roanoke and Parry McCluer. Balkey is already making bonds with other staff after only a few weeks in the building.
“For the most part, everyone is trying to make the most of a ‘crazy’ situation,” said Balkey.
As a new teacher, she has faced the challenges of not only online learning but also trying to get to know students she has never met before. To get to know them a little more and interact with students, she has been hosting Google meets. Balkey discusses any questions or concerns students may have while also trying to get to know them. This year, she has made sure to stay in contact with her students when it comes to upcoming assignments and making sure that they feel her class is running smoothly.
Mrs. Balkey makes short videos for students to watch which explain what to expect while doing the assignments she has for them. These videos sometimes include lessons and usually include due dates and other information.
“ If we all work together, I know we can make it work,” said Balkey.