Dear Future Freshmen Episode 1
October 14, 2024
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About the Contributors

Kitty Alexander, Reporter
Sophomore Kitty Alexander is a first-year Reporter for The Prowler. He decided to join due to a long-time interest in school newspapers and found this to be an excellent opportunity. He is currently a member of the school band’s Drum Line and hopes to join the Ukulele Club. Outside of school Alexander loves drawing and reading comic books. When he’s not scouring Pinterest for art references, he can be found playing “Five Nights at Freddy’s” and “Roblox.” He specifically likes “Dress to Impress,” and although he’s not very good, is saving up for the Gamepass. Alexander also enjoys cinematography and comedy TV shows, and is currently open for suggestions of horror games to play.
Bella Fitch, Opinion Editor
Junior Bella Fitch is a second-year reporter for the Prowler. She decided to join the Prowler because she is passionate about writing. In the past, she’s enjoyed interviewing people and finding unique and interesting story angles for her articles. This year she’s looking forward to how she can make her stories more complex and creative. She holds leadership positions in Project Connection as a member at large, marching band as the librarian, and the club S.T.A.N.D. as the liaison. Outside of school, Fitch takes part in the RCHS marching band, Rockbridge Youth Choral, and multiple clubs. In her free time she likes to draw, cook, and read. Some of the school subjects she is most passionate about include english, history, band, and art.