Crawford Chases History
Sophomore Danielle Crawford began the indoor track and field season by clinching a spot in the state shotput competition at the team’s second meet. Crawford qualified for state with a throw of 35 feet at The Wally Gilbert Invitational on Dec. 10. Crawford also recently qualified for The Virginia Tech Elite Meet, which only accepts 18 girls from the entire east coast. Crawford threw 34 feet at the meet and placed eleventh overall.
“It took a lot of hard work, determination, practice, and practicing during the off season to get to where I am now,” said Crawford. “I also tried to strive for success every meet and keep building on what I already have.”
Eliza Martinez, Class of 2008, holds the school record for shot put, with a throw of 37 feet and 7.25 inches. Crawford has already thrown 35 feet this season, which would mean that she needs less than two feet to break the record.
Head coach Jennifer Showalter said, “Danielle has been on the team since she was an eighth-grader. Danielle is a hard worker that sets goals and achieves them. Danielle has tremendous determination to succeed in the throwing events.”
Crawford was ranked first in both the conference and region, and fourth in the state. She was ranked seventh in the nation before the holiday break, but has dropped her throw to about 32 feet, partly because the track team has not had a meet since December. She was only trailing those ahead of her by one foot. Crawford threw a throw of 38 feet and 5 inches at state, but she had to get 38 feet and 6 inches. If Crawford could have improved her throw, then she would have qualified for The 2017 New Balance Nationals Indoor Meet in New York in March.
“My goal is to win states with the best throw that I have ever had first and foremost,” said Crawford. “Another goal that I would like to complete by season’s end is to break the school’s record for farthest throw by a girl.”