Competition Cheer Flies Into Action

Heidi Schwarzmann, Reporter

Similar to most of the sports at RCHS, the competition cheer season has been impacted by COVID-19. With cheer being a contact sport, there have been many changes to the guidelines for competition and the way practices are run. 

The coaches face many challenges as they structure the routine to be in compliance with COVID-19 guidelines. To limit the amount of contact between teams, there will only be three district competitions. The average score will determine which teams qualify for Regionals.

Emma Bates, a sophomore at Rockbridge County High School, is a member of the team in her 5th year cheering. “Competitions will look very different this year,” said Bates. “We are not allowed to do as many challenging stunts. Scoring this year is really just based off of how well we can do the basics.”

Due to Virginia’s COVID-19 guidelines, there can only be 20 people on the team this year. While preparing for the competition, the cheerleaders are required to wear masks. 

Kenzie Moyers is a senior and this is her second year serving as captain of the team. “COVID definitely has made things harder,” said Moyers. “It flips the point system all upside down, and trying to do a routine with a mask on is killer.” 

The first competition of the season will be on March 17. There will be a cap on the number of spectators, and the cheerleaders will be required to wear masks until they are on the mat to compete. With all of the restrictions, it is unclear exactly how the competitions will go. 

“We don’t really know too much about how competitions will go yet,” said Moyers. “I believe  even though we have a team consisting of newer girls, we will be just as successful as previous years.”

In spite of all the challenges the team has faced this year, they continue to work within the restrictions placed on them. 

“The whole team is working extremely hard everyday because we all want a trophy this year,” said Bates.