RCHS Boys Soccer Scores A Goal Against James River

RCHS Boys Soccer gears up to play James River High School. PC: @rockbridgeathletics

Reagan Woody, Opinion Editor

On May 4th, 2022, RCHS JV and Varsity Boys Soccer lost to James River High School. Boys Varsity lost to James River by 2-1, while boys JV lost 0-1. Varsity player John Huss shares his thoughts on the game. 

“We work hard as a team even through tough games.” Says Huss. 

Spectator Malin Schweda shares her thoughts after watching the game. 

“This was the one game where the girl’s team didn’t have a game as well, so we enjoyed watching [the boy’s team] and the team looked strong playing together.” Says Schweda. 

Even though the soccer team experienced a loss, the team continues to strive to improve. The next boys soccer game is scheduled for May 13th, 2022 at 7 o’clock at Broadway High School. As the soccer teams finishes out their season, you can keep up with their game schedule and scores here