Wildcats Wrestle their way through the “District Mini”

Grace Fleshman

RCHS Wrestling team before the match.

Grace Fleshman, Reporter

 The Wrestling team traveled to Turner Ashby to wrestle in three dual matches on Jan. 11. 

Sophomore Mia Marando explained what it was like traveling to Turner Ashby with her team. 

“It was a lot of fun traveling with my teammates and getting to go watch the district mini,” said Marando. 

Throughout the match, the Wildcats fought to win their duals and pulled through with one win and two losses. 

Against Harrsionburg, the team won 54-30. Against Turner Ashby, the team came up a bit short in a close match with 36-39. 

Although the Wildcats previously defeated the Broadway Gobblers by two, they lost on Wednesday night by one point, 39-40. This dual ended in a tie, resulting in the match heading to criteria F, whoever has the most forfeits. At the end of the dual, the Wildcats had one forfeit and Broadway had zero, so Broadway won. 

Junior Je’san Henderson described how the team will work after the district mini. 

“With lots of hard work and dedication we can win our next match,” said Henderson.

The team will keep working hard until their next match on Jan. 18 at Spotswood High School.

For more information about the Wrestling Team and upcoming matches visit https://rockbridgeathletics.com/