Next year (2025) all Rockbridge sports teams, except for lacrosse, will switch from the Valley District to the Shenandoah District. Rockbridge has been in the Valley District for 11 years 12 at the end of this spring season. The Shenandoah District includes teams in Augusta County, and next year, it will include teams from Rockbridge and Allegheny Counties, including Fort Defiance High School, Staunton High School, Buffalo Gap High School, Riverheads High School, Stuarts Draft High School, Wilson Memorial High School, and Waynesboro High School
The athletic director Adam Haynes, who has entered his fourth year as the AD, gave some insight into the reasons for the change in districts.
“I am looking forward to a new district and creating new rivalries,” said Haynes.
The three main reasons for the switch are travel, time in class, and rivalries. Whenever teams have to go on the road to play games they would drive past Shenandoah District schools; the shortest drive to a high school is around a hour, while the longest drive can be up to two hours. While in the Shenandoah District the farthest drive is around 45 minutes.
“If you have to drive over an hour you have to leave school early but if you only have to travel 30 minutes then you have to miss less or no school.” said Haynes
The last reason is rivalries, “closer the school the more likely a rivalry will grow.” said Haynes
This will promote rivalries and hopefully good games and matches.
A new change will come with the switching of districts. Rockbridge will play 2A and 3A schools in all athletics excluding lacrosse which will remain in the same league.
As a student athlete I am excited to play some new teams and meet new people