NHS Holds a Successful Halloween Fair
On Oct. 29, Rockbridge County High School held their annual Halloween Fair. The Halloween Fair consisted of students picking a theme and decorating a classroom door, dressing up and handing out candy to the trick or treaters, a variety of games and winnable prizes, purchasable fresh baked goods, and a haunted hallway. It gave kids the chance to dress up and get candy before Halloween, walking through the hallways of RCHS. It also gave students the chance to dress up and have fun as well.
Senior Zeke Mohr participated in this fair.
“There’s three different main sections to the Halloween fair, the haunted hallway, trick or treat doors, and carnival games.”
“In order to set up the haunted hallway people had to be at the school early in the morning to set everything up. For the trick or treat doors, you decorate a door with whatever theme you have chosen. And then the carnival games are set up down in the commons and then are tested to make sure they are working properly. This whole process takes a couple of hours to get going, which means you need a lot of volunteers.”
“Then after the fair is over everyone has to clean up, this includes their own activity as well as helping other people. It’s very exciting to hand out candy because you get to meet all these little kids and see their costumes. You also get to see the smiles on their faces when they get candy. That whole process really brings joy to my heart. My favorite part about the whole thing is getting to dress up in a costume,” said Mohr.
The fair has been a success every year, even last year during COVID. Senior Sarah Allen decorated a door and handed out candy to the kids this year.
“The National Honor Society put on our annual Halloween Fair and it was really exciting because this was my first year doing it inside. Last year we weren’t able to do it inside because of COVID so it was a smaller event. It was a lot of fun to see all the little kids and walk through the haunted hallway. All the NHS workers did a great job and the hallway and decorated doors all looked great,” said Allen.
The National Honor Society will host another Halloween Fair next year. Be sure to come and join the fun.