The high school years are the most important years of an educational career. You learn what you want to do with your life, and this is where you can make it happen. Being more involved with your school like joining a sport is a great experience. It can help you improve your grades and have something to look forward to. Another thing high school is is a place where you can socialize and make new friends. Socializing is important for everyone and this will not just help you make new friends, but will also help you improve your grades by being happier at school.
Choosing classes is really important because it can determine what you are exposed to as well as influence which college or career you will pursue after high school. Choose classes you want to do and ones that will interest and challenge you, not just ones that look easy. Making sure you have all the requirements to meet for graduation is also important. It is better to double check that you are on track to graduate along the way instead of having to take a class or two at the last minute.
Having things organized will help you maintain grades, make school easier, and make you a more efficient student. This may include carrying multiple binders, having one binder at home and one with you at school, or even having folders to separate work from different classes.
The school and your counselors are here to help you. You can talk about anything to them, and they are always there to help you if you need it. Administrators are there for you too. If you have any problems with someone or the school they are always around.
Another thing the teachers here are great and amazing. Many of the students will agree that teachers work their hardest for the students. A sophomore commented, “The teachers here are the best,” Fitzgerald said. There are many great teachers in this school that you will probably never forget. They come in everyday to make sure you learn and have lots of fun doing so.

Although high school may seem a bit scary or confusing, you will get through it and have a great time. The school years will seem like they are progressively getting faster, so enjoy it while it lasts