Making Christmas Cookies for Santa
The holiday season has begun, and it is time to start Christmas baking. It is popular in many homes to leave cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas Eve night.
According to, throughout the 1930s, it became common to leave out goodies for Santa, which has now become a well-known tradition. This originated from when parents wanted to, in light of thankfulness and gratitude in their kids during the Great Depression.
Many families and children did not have much during the Great Depression, so families wanted to show their kids to still be grateful for what they have and give to others. They would bake cookies with milk for Santa and occasionally leave out carrots for Santa’s reindeer.
Chocolate cookies were created during the time of the Great Depression as well. Chocolate was in a shortage at this time, but women and families still tried to have spirit and bake goodies.
Women would bake chocolate chip cookies for their husbands that were enlisted overseas. This small caring gesture that the women encouraged, then turned into a holiday sweetness for their kids and Santa.
This was encouraged to continue throughout the years, it became a meaningful tradition in America. Other countries appreciated this and were inspired to create their own Christmas traditions around the world, whether it be with cookies and milk or something new.
It is now estimated that people make more than 300 million cookies on Christmas. There are many different types of cookies that he gets the opportunity to try around the world.
In a poll in which 178 RCHS students responded, the three most popular cookies to bake are chocolate chip, sugar, and gingerbread.
Overall, 77 students voted chocolate chip as the best Christmas cookie to bake. The chocolate chip is a very common cookie to bake, it is a year-round baked cookie.
Sophomore Rebekah Allen shares her opinion on chocolate chip cookies as her favorite Christmas cookie.
“I like chocolate chip cookies because the chocolate makes the cookies taste better, especially when the chocolate is melted and the cookie is soft,” said Allen.
This cookie is also in the top three most popular cookies to dip in milk, which may be perfect for Santa, since he always enjoys a good glass of milk.
The second most popular Christmas cookie to bake voted by students was sugar cookies. Sugar cookies are a very popular Christmas cookie to bake because people enjoy decorating them.
Sophomore Madeline Doefler shares her opinion on Christmas cookies.
“Sugar cookies are my favorite because they are easy to make, fun to decorate, and festive for the season,” said Doefler.
Gingerbread cookies were voted fourth by the students, receiving 24 votes. Gingerbread cookies are a holiday classic. They were specifically started for the holiday season and have been very popular since.
Gingerbread cookies are not a common chocolate or sugary cookie, they are flavored with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, anise and molasses/honey. This flavoring is very commonly liked because it brings out a different taste in the cookie.
There is also a connection with gingerbread houses during the holiday season and the “gingerbread man.”
The rest of the 20 responses were other cookies some students enjoy more. Gingersnap and snickerdoodles were the next most popular cookies voted.
Click this link for a more in depth guide on Christmas cookies and how to bake them!