‘Shark Tank’ Star Gives Talk at WLU

Kaizad Irani, Head Online Editor

Daymond John, a world-renowned entrepreneur, investor, and star of ABC’s TV show “Shark Tank,”  spoke at Lee Chapel, during Washington and Lee’s parents’ weekend. His talk was hosted by the Contact Committee, a student-run committee that brings high-profile guest speakers to Washington and Lee.

John is famous for being the CEO and founder of FUBU (“For Us By Us”), an American hip-hop clothing and apparel brand. John grew up in Queens, NY, and said his love of hip-hop music inspired him to create FUBU. FUBU is now worth over 250 million dollars.

John started FUBU with only 40 dollars worth of material, and began to sew FUBU hats that were sold on the street. He gained success from the hats and expanded his brand by asking musicians to wear FUBU apparel in their music videos. John eventually got rapper LL Cool J to endorse FUBU, which led John and his company to become an internationally famous clothing brand.

John told his life story, from childhood to adulthood, and shared his keys to success, known as his five “Shark Points:” Set goals, do your homework, amour (love what you do), remember you are the brand, and keep swimming.

The talk was free to attend, and numerous high school students attended, along with Washington and Lee parents and students.

“As someone who didn’t know much about Mr. John, I was a bit apprehensive about what the night would hold,” said freshman Cole Cathcart. “However, his presentation was thoughtful and he spoke about what he felt was meaningful and beneficial to those listening.”

John concluded his talk by answering questions from the audience about his personal and business life.

“One thing I learned was when he said the best way to achieve success is not through intelligence, but rather being passionate about what you are doing and working extremely hard to achieve your goals,” said senior Ben Troise.