Volunteering Amidst a Pandemic

During the Coronavirus Pandemic, the National Honor Society (NHS) has not been able to volunteer as they once were able to. Typically, students are required to do multiple service projects and complete many service hours, however that has changed due to concerns over safety. Now students are only required to complete either three major service projects and five hours of service outside of NHS, or four major service projects. Seniors are required to complete two major service projects and five hours outside of NHS, or three major service projects.
In this upcoming year, Ms. Copsy, alongside members of NHS, has been working to replace previous fundraisers with new, COVID-friendly ones. This month, instead of having the annual Halloween Fair at the high school, NHS is hosting a Drive-thru Trick or Treat for RCHS families, as well as the Rockbridge County community. This will take place on Friday, Oct. 30 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., as well as on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Students and members of NHS will be handing out candy and taking donations for the organization as families drive through the RCHS parking lot.
Another possible fundraiser may be a virtual fun run, where students will be sponsored to run 26 miles in 26 days during the month of November. This will help NHS and the organizations it donates to.
Throughout this new era of Coronavirus and online school, members of NHS are trying to help Rockbridge County.
“I think so for most people – with uncertainty about safety precautions, etc.” said Copsy when asked if it has been hard to find volunteers or volunteer in general.
However, NHS is pushing on and creating new ways to bring our community together and help Rockbridge County out during a time where people are expected to be apart and isolated. For more information on NHS events, contact Ms. Copsy at [email protected].