A Guide to Writing to the Editor

The home page of the Prowler website. Here you can find articles, our social media, and how to write letters to the editor.
In the wake of opinion articles being posted and the outrage that followed, many took to social media. As a result, the key tool of an editorial policy was overlooked. A letter to the editor is a quick and efficient way for your opinion to be heard if you are not on the staff of a publication. Every single publication has one, from The New York Times to our own The Prowler.

When wanting to voice your opinion on a Prowler article, one has a few options. First, if you simply agree with an article or just like it, you are able to click the “like” button.

This shows your support for the article and the opinion or information presented in it. Secondly, if you would like to further express your like or dislike of the article, you are able to write a comment. Similar to the “like” button, there is a “comment” button located below it. Here, you are able to leave a comment along with your name and email. This comment is then sent to our adviser for approval to ensure the comment is not vulgar or grossly inappropriate, as this is a school sponsored and affiliated organization.

There is also, however, a third option if you would like to further express your opinion on the article. This is what we call an editorial or a letter to the editor. Our editorial policy, located under the “more” tab of our website, called “Prowler Policies.” Here, you are informed that we are a student run organization that follows journalism ethics. This includes integrity, honestly, and neutrality in our articles, unless it is an opinion article. Because we are a journalism publication, we honor everyone’s right to respectfully present their opinion in a story. Our reporters are given the right to write on various topics, from news stories to exciting features and even controversial opinion topics. Some may not agree with the opinion presented in these topics, which is why we are highlighting our editorial policy. It is also important to note that the opinion presented in the article does not represent the whole school, merely the opinion of the reporter who wrote it.
First, if you wish to write a letter to the editor, you are to email either myself, [email protected], as the Editor-in-Chief, or Mrs. Holton, our sponsor, at [email protected], expressing that you would like to write a response to an article. Next, you would share with us the letter you wrote for it to be uploaded. We will not be editing any part of your letter. Once uploaded, your letter will appear under the “Opinion” in a new tab called “Letters” which currently does not exist as we do not have any letters yet.
It is important to remember that our reporters and editors have the right to express their opinions under the First Amendment and as an organization we are to honor that. If you do not agree with an opinion presented, write a letter to the editor or consider joining The Prowler staff in the future. The Prowler Staff cannot wait to voice your opinion in the future.