Future Wildcats Show School Pride
First grader, Sophia White shows school spirit dressed up in her cowboy clothes for Cowboys vs Aliens!
Rockbridge County High School held a spirit week the week before Homecoming. Local elementary schools decided to also join in on spirit week with the high school.
Spirit week is used to help create excitement within the student body and promote creativity for the upcoming event. This year, Spirit week was also held at local elementary schools, to engage younger kids in the excitement and school spirit. Waddell Elementary is one example of a school participating in their own version of spirit week. Waddell wants to support and encourage students to participate within the community.
Kimberly Troise, Principal at Waddell Elementary School talks about Spirit Week’s importance to her.
“Having taught in Rockbridge County schools for 15 plus years, I have always felt the entire school community should join in and support our only high school,” said Troise, “When I came to Waddell, I wanted to bring that community with me.”
It is great fun and excitement for the kids to join in and dress up with the high school students in the community. Flyers were sent home to parents and it was announced on the marquee outside of the school.
Overall, throughout spirit week, the children at Waddell participated in pajama day the most. The teachers also participated in pajama day, but there was more teacher participation with Cowboys v.s. Aliens.
“The students and teachers love being part of the RCHS family and making traditions. I hope this is a tradition for years to come,” said Troise.
This was Waddell’s second year participating in spirit week along with the high school. Before, they had their own spirit week with different activities.
The results of following the high school’s spirit week were very popular at elementary schools. Students in elementary enjoy being involved with the high school students and having the opportunity to do what they do.
The contribution of families and schools in our community helps the county grow as a whole. Having local elementary schools decide to participate with the high school in spirit week shows community involvement within our school systems and families.
For more information on spirit weeks and events in the future, visit the Waddell Elementary site.