Academic Team


A medal Miles won from Academic Team

Nick Plogger, Reporter

With all of the difficulties and obstacles this year, many sports teams have had to adapt. One such group is the Academic Team, who went virtual this year. RCHS Junior Miles Zoellner provided some insight into the Academic Team and how they adapted this year.

“I really like being on the Academic Team and wouldn’t want to miss it due to extreme circumstances. Before the real practices started, and we didn’t really know what was going to happen, I actually hosted some practices with the older members for fun,” said Zoellner. “The basic parts of academic team aren’t too hard to replicate virtually. A question is being read and someone buzzes in. I’m very lucky to have a good internet connection at my house so I don’t have to worry about lag, but it can be difficult sometimes.”

The academic team was able to adapt to the transition to virtual and has a new system to fit the new circumstances.

“We use Google Meets for practice and Zoom for meetings.” said Zoellner. “We buzz in with”

“To me, it kinda feels like any other game you’d play with friends. You’re on teams of four and whichever team has the most points at the end of the match wins,” said Zoellner. “It’s great because you learn about interesting topics even when you’re just playing that you might look up later.” 

While Miles has been on the academic team, they have been able to gain awards. 

“The year before I joined, the A team won states,” said Zoellner. “The closest we’ve gotten since then is winning districts. I think all the members that won states have since graduated.”

Despite the odds being stacked against team based activities, the academic team is still doing the best that they can.