How Politics has Changed in the Past Administration

Beckett Howe, Editor

Politics is an important part of U.S. democracy as it helps create policy and elect representatives that speak for the people, but this past administration has changed all of that.. With the election passed and voter fraud claims being tried in courts across the country, nothing seems to be normal anymore. The usual state of the country has been flipped on its head, and even the office of the president has set new precedents for future presidents

Social media was once about keeping in touch with friends, following celebrities, and drawing up support for legislation, but now it has become the loudspeaker for the president’s insults and comments. What once was a platform to inform and educate (to an extent) has now derived into a playground where misinformation and lies are thrown around like a dodge-ball. However, this does have an upside 

Political news used to come from different sources like newspapers and news networks, but now the social media workaround has made it easier for political leaders to voice their own opinions on legislation or their colleagues. This workaround might sound bad, but it also helps political leaders and representatives connect to and talk to the people that they are serving. 

Not all changes are good, though, as some have a detrimental effect on the public and the presidential office. Including contradicting scientific officials during a pandemic, spreading misinformation about the election, and insulting political opponents with childish nicknames. These actions set precedence to what future presidents can do without consequence. 

With all of these norms changing, we should look forward to being a better country. The office of the president is not an office where stones can be cast at opponents, nor is it an office that abuses the power given to it. As the country moves forward with a new administration, we should strive to unite the country instead of dividing it.