Darth Jar Jar is Real

Paul Drumbl, Reporter

One of the most controversial characters from the Star Wars prequel trilogy is Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar is a Gungan, which is an amphibious race from the planet of Naboo. Many Star Wars fans complain about how he is an annoying and pointless character with no real purpose to the story other than adding his immature comedic relief. They claim he takes away from the story, and adds an element of stupidity that appeals to children. I, on the other hand, would disagree. 

In my opinion, Jar Jar Binks uses his silly and clumsy behavior as a facade in order to hide his true identity as a Sith lord under the alias of “Darth Jar Jar.”  Jar Jar often displays traits similar to those of other force users. Jar Jar sometimes uses hand movements when trying to change people’s opinions, which is similar to the motions of a Jedi mind trick. Jar Jar’s buffoonish behavior is also similar to that of Yoda’s when Luke first meets him on Dagobah.

 Other theories lend to the careful orchestration put on by Chancellor Palpatine, who is secretly a Sith called Darth Sideous. Palpatine meticulously crafted many scenarios and manipulated the entire galaxy in order to ensure the survival and eventual return of the Sith. I believe that he used Jar Jar to infiltrate the Republic Senate. Once in the senate, Jar Jar suggested multiple reforms to give the Chancellor emergency powers and to allow for the use of a clone army. Darth Sideous would later use both of these to overthrow the Republic, massacre the Jedi, and create his galactic empire. Even though Jar Jar Binks’s role in the Star Wars universe may seem irrelevant and inconsequential, I believe that he was secretly a Sith lord, and his actions led to the rise of Palpatine’s empire. Like it or not, it is hard to deny the truth behind “Darth Jar Jar,” and his role in Darth Sideous’s plot to rule the galaxy.